
ThistutorialwillwalkyouthroughconnectingyourMacstoSMB(ServerMessageBlock)shares,hostedonWindowsServers,WindowsDesktops,ornetworkattached ...,2022年6月21日—InmacOS,clicktheApplelogointhemenu,SystemPreferences,andSharing.ClickthetickboxnexttoFileSharingtoenableit,thenOptions.,2020年2月16日—1.開啟SystemPreferences>Sharing·2.按左下角鎖頭,解鎖獲得管理員權限·3.左側FileSharing打勾·4.按Options>...

Connecting to SMB shares with Mac OS X

This tutorial will walk you through connecting your Macs to SMB (Server Message Block) shares, hosted on Windows Servers, Windows Desktops, or network attached ...

How to share folders and files from Mac to Windows ...

2022年6月21日 — In macOS, click the Apple logo in the menu, System Preferences, and Sharing. Click the tickbox next to File Sharing to enable it, then Options.

macOS 與Windows 10 區域網路共享檔案

2020年2月16日 — 1. 開啟System Preferences > Sharing · 2. 按左下角鎖頭,解鎖獲得管理員權限 · 3. 左側File Sharing 打勾 · 4. 按Options > 確定Share files and folders ...

How to access windows file shares from a Mac?

2020年11月29日 — On the Mac (in Finder) Select the Go menu then connect to server and type in SMB:// followed by the IP address of the PC followed by the share name.

Share Mac files with Windows users

On your Mac, choose Apple menu > System Settings, click General in the sidebar, then click Sharing on the right. (You may need to scroll down.) Turn on File Sharing, then click the Info button on the right. Click Options, then turn on “Share files and

Connect to a Windows computer from a Mac

In the Finder on your Mac, choose Go > Connect to Server, then click Browse. · When you locate the shared computer or server, double-click it, then click Connect ...

Connect to your Mac or PC via SMB

Open Documents on your iPad or iPhone and tap the Plus button > Add Connection . Select Windows SMB server. Put your Windows machine's IP address ...

How to Easily Share Files Between Mac and Windows

Open System Settings on your Mac and go to General > Sharing. · Toggle on File Sharing and click the Info (i) icon next to the File Sharing toggle. · Click ...